Sensory dynamic “Help-me room”
Sensory dynamic “Help-me room” will enable to the pupils of the N:17 special school to develop and strengthen new skills much more quickly, to overcome motor awkwardness, aggressive state and reduce anxiety, as well as to achieve emotional discharge, develop perception and much more.
The Help-me room’s main objective is children’s development through their own body and mastering their movements. Such kind of room will allow creating an area, where the children with special needs will be able to understand both their inner and external world through movements and sensory experiences.
Motor sensitivity will contribute to the activation of the skin receptors, which would have a favorable influence on the formation of the body image and self-awareness in the outer world. During the process of such movement activity, brain activity develops as well, through body plasticity, agility, balance and coordination the child performs a wide range of mental tasks. Maintaining the balance and coordination activates the work of right and left hemispheres, due to which children learn new methods of making quick and independent decisions. Vision, hearing, tactile perception and vestibular system start activating as well.
Due to the correctly selected physical activity the children’s ability to control their own movements and balance them against the environment sufficiently improves.
In addition, such kind of room will enable teachers and specialists of the school to study carefully the children’s behavioral traits, especially the aberrant behavior (aggressive or autoaggressive), as well as to identify the factors, that have a great influence on emotional and behavioral state, and to consider them in the further work with the pupils.
The Help-me room’s main objective is children’s development through their own body and mastering their movements. Such kind of room will allow creating an area, where the children with special needs will be able to understand both their inner and external world through movements and sensory experiences.
Motor sensitivity will contribute to the activation of the skin receptors, which would have a favorable influence on the formation of the body image and self-awareness in the outer world. During the process of such movement activity, brain activity develops as well, through body plasticity, agility, balance and coordination the child performs a wide range of mental tasks. Maintaining the balance and coordination activates the work of right and left hemispheres, due to which children learn new methods of making quick and independent decisions. Vision, hearing, tactile perception and vestibular system start activating as well.
Due to the correctly selected physical activity the children’s ability to control their own movements and balance them against the environment sufficiently improves.
In addition, such kind of room will enable teachers and specialists of the school to study carefully the children’s behavioral traits, especially the aberrant behavior (aggressive or autoaggressive), as well as to identify the factors, that have a great influence on emotional and behavioral state, and to consider them in the further work with the pupils.
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